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  1. Byakui Kannon Statue
  2. Gunma Herbs (Indian curry restaurant)
  3. Naturellement
  4. Gunma Safari Park
  5. Kurashiya
  6. Kannonyama Family Park & HYGGE TIMES (cafe)
  7. Vegetable Cafe Mahaloha
  8. Tamaruya
  9. Hōshi Onsen
  10. Hocoro
  12. Takasaki Kouen (Park)
  13. Katsutetsu
  14. Daisyo Gokokuji
  15. Bouun
  16. Oze National Park
  17. ICHIRODO cafe
  18. Awatama
  19. Torihei
  20. Hà Nội Quán

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